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25mm (1") Strap Ends

25mm (1") Strap Ends
25mm (1") Strap Ends
25mm (1") Strap Ends
matte black strap ends
brushed brass bag strap ends
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25mm (1") Strap Ends
25mm (1") Strap Ends
25mm (1") Strap Ends
25mm (1") Strap Ends
Pack of 4

25mm (1") strap ends, fitted with two small screws each.
Excellent quality with great colour. The strap gap is 4mm deep, suitable for cork or vinyl straps. When using thin fabric, add a piece of Decovil, or other stabiliser, between the layers to pad it out and ensure a really good fit.

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These strap ends are great for finishing off handles or crossbody straps that have raw ends.

Approximate weight: 25g per pack
Made in: China
Material: Zinc Alloy

How to use:
  1. Push the strap end over the raw edge of the strap or handle, making sure it's a snug fit.
  2. If the strap end feels loose, slip a small amount of stabiliser between the layers of the strap where it will be inside the strap end.
  3. Once you're happy with the fit, remove the strap end and refit it with a small amount of glue inside the strap end. This will help keep it secure.
  4. If you're using a tough fabric such as vinyl or leather, poke an awl or similar sharp object through the two screw holes to create small holes in the fabric. This isn't usually necessary if you're using cork or cotton as the screws will do this themselves.
  5. Fix the two screws in place, Push down firmly on the screw to ensure you don't shred the top of the screw.


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