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Environmental Policy


We’re working hard to reduce our carbon footprint. It’s not always easy as a small business. Plastic packaging is much cheaper and much quicker, but we’re doing our best to avoid using plastic where we can, and we’re constantly working on ways to improve. Some of the items we sell do require plastic packaging, such as rolls of zip tape and webbing that need protecting in the post, or small bag feet and screws that can get lost in paper packaging, but here’s what we’re doing to help the planet right now:

- Re-using packaging from our suppliers and others – re-using is even better for the environment than recycling. If you're shopping online with us, you can select re-used packaging at checkout. If you live near our shop in Newquay Cornwall and have boxes in good condition, please feel free to bring them into the shop. We really appreciate it!
- Sourcing manufacturers who use minimal plastic packaging
- Sourcing high quality hardware that lasts longer and therefore will make your handmade bags last longer and look amazing in the meantime
- Wrapping orders in tissue paper and cardboard (recyclable materials) wherever possible, even though it makes packing orders more time consuming
- Using Royal Mail for 99% of deliveries – the courier with the lowest carbon footprint in the UK
- Selling interfacing and stabilisers in bundles – purchasing materials you use regularly in larger quantities means less deliveries and therefore less packaging
- Transporting incoming stock by train instead of plane – according to the Guardian and other sources, trains have 80% lower carbon dioxide - lower emissions than planes. Sourcing stock by train adds 6 weeks to our delivery times so this requires a bigger investment in stock and more time spent scheduling and forecasting
- Despite being double the cost, we’re switching to biodegradable plastic bags for the occasions when we do need to use plastic
- Not including printed packing slips in your orders (you still get one by email) – this reduces the amount of paper and ink we use
- Using labels only where necessary and not adding unnecessary packaging and tags to our products

If you have suggestions for further improvements or changes we can make, please email us at We’re always keen to receive constructive criticism and positive suggestions on how we can improve.

Bag at beach

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